Christmas Light Installation


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Problems with Stored Holiday Lights and How to Fix Them

Holiday Light Installation in Ann Arbor

Do you love driving through the city, marveling at the holiday lighting setups? 

Wish you could have your own whimsical lighting in your front yard?

The holiday season brings a magical sparkle to homes and neighborhoods, largely thanks to festive lighting. However, when it's time to deck the halls again, you may find that your stored holiday lights aren't working as expected. 

Here are common problems with stored holiday lights and how to fix them, ensuring your Holiday Lighting Installation in Ann Arbor goes smoothly.

Common Problems with Stored Holiday Lights

  1. Broken Bulbs: Over time, bulbs can break, especially if the lights aren't stored properly. Broken bulbs can cause the entire strand to malfunction.
  2. Corroded Sockets: Exposure to moisture can lead to corroded sockets, which impede the electrical connection necessary for your lights to work.
  3. Tangled Wires: Improper storage can lead to a tangled mess, making it frustrating to untangle and increasing the risk of damaged wires.
  4. Blown Fuses: Holiday lights often come with small fuses that can blow, cutting off the power supply to the entire strand.

How to Fix These Problems

  1. Broken Bulbs: Identify the Broken Bulbs: Look for bulbs that appear dark, broken, or burnt out. You may need to replace one or several to restore functionality. Replace the Bulbs: Most holiday lights come with replacement bulbs. Ensure the new bulb matches the voltage and wattage of the original. Carefully remove the broken bulb and insert the new one.
  2. Corroded Sockets: Use a small brush or a can of compressed air to remove debris and corrosion from the sockets. Ensure the lights are unplugged before cleaning.
  3. Tangled Wires: Slowly and gently untangle the wires, avoiding any sharp pulls that might damage the strand. Storage Tips: To prevent future tangles, wrap the lights around a spool, piece of cardboard, or a dedicated light reel when storing them.
  4. Blown Fuses: Open the plug to access the fuses, typically located in a small compartment. If one looks dark or burnt, it needs replacing. Replace the Fuses: Use the replacement fuses provided with the lights or purchase new ones of the same type. Insert the new fuse and close the compartment.

Preventative Measures for Future Storage

Store Properly: Use storage bins with dividers or dedicated storage solutions for holiday lights. Ensure your lights are stored in a dry, cool place.
Label and Organize: Label the bins and keep lights organized to avoid the frustration of searching through a tangled mess next year.
Inspect Before Storing: Check the lights for any issues before storing them away. Addressing minor problems now can save time and hassle in the future.

Looking for a Smooth Holiday Lighting Installation in Ann Arbor?

Dealing with holiday light problems can be a headache, but with these tips, you can ensure a smooth Holiday Lighting Installation in Ann Arbor. Proper maintenance and careful storage can prolong the life of your holiday lights, allowing you to enjoy their festive glow year after year. 

For professional assistance and installation, contact our local experts to help you create a dazzling holiday display!

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